Don't Forget The Right Equipment And Tools For Your New BK117 Helicopter

Did your organization recently purchase one or more BK117 helicopters? This helicopter features several redundancies while in operation that allow it to remain safe even if something fails and the large cabin inside the helicopter makes this an option for organizations that need to transport something on a regular basis. Emergency Medical Services can use these helicopters to "Life Flight" patients to a hospital, just as one example. But if you are going to put a BK117 into regular operation, you need to make sure your mechanics have the right BK117 tooling to maneuver the aircraft after it lands and the right maintenance equipment to keep things running smoothly. Here are some of the things you should look into.

A Jack to Lift or a Tug to Tow 

Should you need to lift the new helicopter onto or off of its landing pad, you will need a jack capable of lifting the obviously immense weight of a helicopter or a tug that can gently and safely pull it to wherever it needs to go. Talk to your tooling supplier about how you will be positioning or moving your helicopter so they can help you find the right tools for this important task.

Engine Oil is Obvious But Stock Up on Hydraulic Fluid and Nitrogen And Related Components As Well

Any vehicle with an engine is going to need its engine oil changed on a regular basis, whether it's a car or a helicopter. But a helicopter has other components that should also be swapped out with fresh fluid or supply on a regular schedule. A helicopter uses hydraulic fluid to keep its parts moving efficiently and safely, and nitrogen is also quite important in the aerospace industry. Nitrogen is typically used as part of the fueling system as a way to safeguard against combustion, preventing oxygen from causing a fire that could lead to a disaster. Your mechanics should be monitoring hydraulic fluid and nitrogen levels at least as frequently as the helicopter's engine oil.

Electrical Parts Keep It Running

All aircraft have any number of electrical parts that send signals from the sensors to the dashboard or keep the motor running. The BK117 does contain some redundancies that may allow one part to fail without it taking down the entire system, but each and every electrical part should be checked after every flight. Contact a supplier of BK117 tooling and other helicopter tooling and maintenance parts for more information. 

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It's All About the Biz On this blog, it's all about the biz! That's our fun way of explaining that the topic of this blog is business. That probably sounds like a broad topic, and we agree that it is. After all, every business does something different. Some businesses landscape people's yards, others clean pets' teeth, and still others deliver packages to customers' front doors. The roles of business owners are also diverse, with many business owners wearing multiple hats in their companies. Please keep this in mind as you read the diverse articles provided here. We aim to feature the breadth of the business experience.
